Comprehensive CopyAI Review - 2022

Among all of the AI writing tools on the market, CopyAI holds the esteemed position of being the first AI writing tool I ever tried. I don’t even know why. I’m pretty sure I heard about Jasper first, yet when I was finally ready to dip my toes in the world of AI writing, I started with CopyAI. (I probably read some random Medium post raving about it.)

Anyway, since then, I’ve used CopyAI on and off when I’m running low on inspiration or need to generate some starting ideas for a new piece of copy.

Don’t get me wrong—CopyAI isn’t some magician that will ‘abracadabra’ your copy into existence. But it’s very easy to use, making it a good choice for business owners who need some help to write copy that converts.


What is CopyAI?

First off, CopyAI is one of the many AI writing tools that use GPT-3, a powerful neural network that can generate written content.

CopyAI makes it easy for anyone to use GPT-3 for generating copy…as well as descriptions, bullet points, captions, and other short snippets of content.

All of the content is generated based on your text prompts. Basically, you select a template for the type of content you want to create, write a description of the content, and watch CopyAI generate results based on your input.


Copywriting Tools for Any Occasion

Surprisingly, CopyAI has very few actual templates. For example, if you click on “website copy,” only two templates are available!

copyai website copy templates

But what it’s lacking in templates, it makes up for with a huge library of writing tools that function just like the templates. Below, I’ve listed all of CopyAI’s individual tools at the time of writing this post.

(Click here to skip over the list…it’s quite long)


  • Product Descriptions

  • Digital Ad Copy

    • Ad Copy Variants

    • Facebook Headlines

    • Facebook Link Descriptions

    • Facebook Listicle

    • Facebook Primary Text

    • General Ad Copy

    • Google Descriptions

    • Google Headlines

    • LinkedIn Ad Copy

  • Startup Tools

    • Audience Refiner

    • Brand Mission

    • Brand Voice

    • Motto Generator

    • Value Proposition

  • Website Copy

    • Call to Action

    • Event Copy

    • Landing Page Hero Text

    • Listicle

    • Meta Descriptions

    • Microcopy

    • Question Generator

    • Social Proof Text

    • Subheader

    • Testimonial Rewriter

  • Blog Tools

    • Blog Conclusion

    • Blog Ideas

    • Blog Intro

    • Blog Outline

    • Blog Title

    • Blog Title – Listicle

    • Bullet Point to Blog Section

    • Freestyle

    • Keyword Generator

  • Email

    • Cancellation Email

    • Catchy Email Subject Lines

    • Confirmation Emails

    • Follow-up Email

    • Thank You Note

    • Welcome Email

  • Social Media Tools

    • Add Emoji to List

    • Bullet Points

    • Carousel Post

    • Crazy YouTube Ideas

    • Hashtag Generator

    • Hook Generator

    • Instagram Captions

    • Instagram Product Showcase

    • Keyword Generator

    • Launch Your Product

    • Relatable Experiences

    • Short Text Hook

    • TikTok Brainstorm Topics

    • Video Call to Action

    • YouTube Description Intro

    • YouTube Video Title

  • Sales Copy Frameworks

    • Attention – Interest – Desire – Action

    • Before – After – Bridge

    • Feature to Benefits

    • Feature – Advantage – Benefits

    • Marketing Angles

    • Pain – Agitate – Solution

    • Problem – Promise – Proof – Proposal

    • QUEST Copywriting

  • Writing Tools

    • Adjective Accelerator

    • Analogy Generator

    • Bullet Point to Blog Section

    • Bullet Point to Paragraph

    • Cliffhanger

    • Essay Intro

    • Essay Outline

    • Explain Like I'm 5

    • Freestyle

    • Hero Story Intro

    • Hero Story Villain

    • Passive To Active Voice

    • Press Release Intros

    • Rewrite With Keywords

    • Sentence Rewriter

    • Simplify Sentences

    • Tone Changer

    • Two Sentence Stories

    • Verb Booster

  • Brainstorming Tools

    • Growth Ideas

    • Name Generator

    • Next Product

    • Startup Ideas

    • Viral Ideas

  • Personal Tools

    • Birthday Card

    • Clubhouse Bio

    • Cover Letter

    • Love Letter

    • Resume Bullet Points

    • Shower Thoughts

As you can see, there is a tool for writing almost any type of copy! And more…although I don’t think I trust CopyAI to write a good love letter.

CopyAI Pricing

In addition to the never-ending list of writing tools, another thing that really sets CopyAI apart from competitors is their free plan. You can sign in through your gmail and generate 2,000 words monthly with a free account.

In contrast, JasperAI (one of CopyAI’s largest competitors) only offers a free trial, then forces you to choose a paid plan. Rytr, another popular AI writing tool, has a comparative free plan that allows 10k characters per month.

Although I enjoy the free plan, CopyAI also offers several paid plans based on the amount of words you want to generate per month. The cheapest paid plan is $36/month for 40k words, if paid annually.

copy ai annual pricing

The pricing is slightly cheaper than Jasper AI, which costs $40/month for 35k words.


Is CopyAI Any Good?

Here comes the part you’ve been waiting for. Does CopyAI actually produce good copy?

Well, yes and no. To be honest, I haven’t been very impressed with the individual results that CopyAI returns for my text prompts. (Although it could just be that I suck at writing text prompts!)

Often the results are very similar to my prompt, just slightly reworded. Or they are very simple snippets of copy that I could write in no time.

For example, these are two Instagram captions that CopyAI generated based on the prompt ““A Black Friday promo for 20% off all shampoo bars.”

To be fair, I didn’t give many details in the prompt. But you can see that the results are very similar to my input. The captions CopyAI generated are usable, but they aren’t anything creative or unique.

If all CopyAI did was generate simple copy like this, it wouldn’t be very useful.

But…happily that’s not all it does!

What makes CopyAI really useful is that it returns many results for just one prompt. The tools are responsive to further input, so I can select the results that I like and generate more results based on my feedback.

Basically, you can continue to build on the results CopyAI produces, until you create a highly specific and customized piece of copy.

For example, I tried using CopyAI to generate some sales copy for a compact espresso machine. Below are three of the results.

example sales copy generated by CopyAI
example sales copy generated by CopyAI
example sales copy generated by CopyAI

Individually, these copy snippets aren’t very useful. But if I select one and click “More Like This,” I can generate more copy to expand on the original snippet.

I can also just copy each result into the CopyAI editor and piece them together to make something usable. For example, if I were to use the three results above as the foundation for my sales copy, I could create something like this:

“The best compact espresso machine for coffee lovers with limited counter space. Make one cup at a time so you can have your coffee the way you like it, when you want it.”


Should You Use CopyAI for Your Business?

CopyAI still has a long way to go before it replaces the need for a copywriter. Alone, it doesn’t generate content that is worth using. So if what you need for your business is an actual copywriter, CopyAI won’t fill that role for you.

AI writing tools like CopyAI are still just tools, not instant writers that will generate exactly what you need!

However, CopyAI excels at generating many small snippets of text that you can use as building blocks to create great copy.

“Many alternatives claim that they want to do all the writing for you— doesn’t. Our mission is to empower writers and make it easier for them to be both creative and productive.” – CopyAI

If you’re looking for a tool to do all of your copywriting for you, then CopyAI isn’t the answer. But if you’re ready to sharpen your copywriting skills with the aid of an AI writing tool that can boost your creativity and efficiency, then CopyAI is definitely worth trying out.

Cassandra Sigmon

Cassandra Sigmon is a freelance SEO content writer and copywriter for small businesses and niche websites. If you need awesome content for your website, don’t hesitate to get in touch! Whenever she’s not writing, she’s usually out on a road trip, hiking in the mountains, or buried in pages of keyword research.

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