6 Business Tasks That You Can Outsource to AI Tools

When you’re starting a business, you wear all the hats. You often feel like you’re always busy but never productive. There are only so many hours in the day, and there's only so much you can do on your own.

But what if you could toss some of those hats to your right-hand AI helpers?

Outsourcing to AI is a lot cheaper than outsourcing to freelancers or hiring employees. (Although you will definitely want to hire some team members as soon as you can.)

There are AI tools available to help with just about every aspect of your business, from marketing to accounting to lead generation.


#1 - Customer Service

If you find yourself spending more time than you'd like dealing with customer service responses, consider outsourcing this task to an AI chatbot. Chatbots can handle a wide range of customer service tasks, from answering basic questions to troubleshooting problems. Not only will this free up your time, but it will also improve your customer service with quicker response times and 24/7 support. Plus, did I mention that chatbots are always polite?


#2 - Marketing

Developing and executing a marketing strategy is a time-consuming task—but it doesn't have to be. There are AI tools available that can help you with everything from creating targeted ad campaigns to analyzing your marketing data.

Once you break marketing down into different forms, like email marketing or social media marketing, there are more specific AI tools to help with each type of campaign. For example, you could use an email marketing AI tool to optimize your email headlines.


#3 - Accounting & Bookkeeping

Unless you're an accountant by trade, chances are you don't enjoy dealing with numbers. Luckily, there are AI tools that can take care of all your accounting and bookkeeping needs—from preparing and filing your taxes to tracking your expenses to budgeting. You can even use AI for tax forecasting, giving you a better idea of how to prepare for tax season.

With AI tools assisting you in tedious business tasks like data entry, you can spend less time entering numbers and more time growing your business.


#4 - Lead Generation

Generating leads is essential for any business—but it can be a tough and time-consuming task. Luckily, there are AI tools that can help you gather quality leads by collecting data from a variety of sources and identifying potential customers who are most likely to convert. This way, you can confidently focus your sales efforts on qualified leads instead of casting a wide net and hoping for the best.


#5 - Social Media Management

Social media is a great way to promote your business and connect with your customers—but it can be tough to keep up with multiple platforms and consistently create content. If you find yourself spending hours each day managing your social media accounts, consider outsourcing this task to an AI tool.

There are plenty of options available that can help you automate various aspects of your social media presence, from posting updates to engagement metrics. For example, you can use AI writing tools to generate content and use AI scheduling tools to determine the best times to post your content. This way, you'll be able reach a wider audience without sacrificing valuable time better spent elsewhere.


#6 - Email Management

If you're like most people, checking and responding to email is probably one of the first things you do when you sit down at your desk in the morning—and one of the last things you do before you leave for the day. But it doesn't have to be that way. There are AI tools that can help manage your inbox for you, meaning you'll only have to check it when there's something actually worth responding to.


Outsourcing some of your business tasks to AI tools frees up your time so that you can focus on more important things. From social media management to lead generation, there's an AI tool out there that can help with just about anything—and chances are good that they'll do a better job than you would anyway.

When you outsource to AI tools, you can focus on what you do best: running your business!

Cassandra Sigmon

Cassandra Sigmon is a freelance SEO content writer and copywriter for small businesses and niche websites. If you need awesome content for your website, don’t hesitate to get in touch! Whenever she’s not writing, she’s usually out on a road trip, hiking in the mountains, or buried in pages of keyword research.


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